Influence of Early Attachment on Adult Relationships

Cards (13)

  • Attachment
    A child's first relationship with their primary attachment figure that leads to a mental representation of this relationship, which acts as a template for future childhood and adult relationships
  • Good attachment
    Leads to good relationship expectations
  • Bad attachment
    Leads to bad relationship expectations
  • Internal working model
    • The mental representations we all carry with us of our attachment to our primary caregiver
  • Attachment type
    Associated with the quality of peer relationships in childhood
  • Attachment types and bullying behaviour
    • Secure children are very unlikely to be involved in bullying
    • Insecure avoidant children are usually victims of bullying
    • Insecure resistant children are most likely to be bullies
  • Internal working model
    Affects the person's ability to parent their own children
  • People tend to base their parenting style on their own internal working model so attachments types tend to be passed on through generations of a family
  • Harlow found a link between poor attachment and later difficulties with parenting (abused offspring)
  • Quinton et al found that the lack of an internal working model means that individuals do not know how to form good relationships with their own children
  • Hazen & Shaver (1987) study

    Aimed to find out if attachment types in infancy affected adult relationships
  • Hazen & Shaver (1987) study procedure
    1. Placed a 'Love Quiz' in an American local newspaper to assess (1) current (adult) attachment experiences (2) general love experiences (3) attachment type
    2. Analysed 620 replies
  • Correlational research

    Cannot establish cause and effect