business topic 2

Cards (21)

  • staff wages
    workers 22 and under have to be paid national minimum wage
    workers 23 or over have to be paid national living wage
  • businesses can't discriminate
    people can't judge people based on their religion, age, gender, disabilities, or sexual orientation
    people have to be payed same amount
    if discrimination happens, business has to pay compensation
  • workers safety
    health and safety legislation helps make sure that risks to people at work are properly controlled
    following health and safety can be expensive
  • consumer law
    laws restricting how firms sell their products. if laws not in place business may be dishonest
  • consumer laws condition
    product should fit for its purpose
    should match the description
    should be of satisfactory quality
  • consumer laws affect a business
    if consumer law broken, business may have to pay money back to the consumer
    case can end up in court
  • technology
    technology makes processes faster
    adapting to new tech can be expensive
  • e commerce
    is using internet to buy and sell products
    firms have websites where customers can buy products
    businesses can reach wider markets
  • businesses can affect impact on environment
    companies can reduce amount of packaging on their product
    companies can dispose waste so it doesn't affect land
  • businesses can aim to be more sustainable
    sustainable means working in a way that doesn't damage future generation
  • unemployment
    means economy as a whole produces lower output
    some firms benefit from unemployment (can pay desperate people lower wages )
    less employment means less money people can spend
  • changes in income
    if prices rise at a faster rate then income
    then people will have to spend greater proportion on needs
  • Interest
    when you borrow money, you have to pay it back with interest ~
    meaning you have to pay back more then you borrowed
    if you save money, you earn interest
    means the amount of money you in your savings account increase over time
  • low interest rates
    leads to increased spending
    when interest rate is cut, its cheaper to borrow money but you get less interest
  • high interest rates
    if there is increase in rates, borrowing money becomes more expensive, but sales get better return on their investment
  • market
    can mean three different things
    1. a place where goods are traded between customers and suppliers
    2. trade in a particular type of product e.g. oil market
    3. potential customers for a product e.g. 18-25 market
  • globalisation
    is the process by which business and countries around the world become more connected
    means theirs a much larger market that uk businesses can trade with
    can also mean more competition
  • advantages of globalisation
    increase sales and profit
    easier for uk businesses to set up factories in other countries
    some companies set up factories in countries where labour is cheaper
  • disadvantages of globalisation
    higher wages in uk means can't compete with firms from other countries
  • exchange rates
    an exchange rate is the price at which one currency can be traded for another
    tell you how currencies compare
    if a company wants to import products they have to Pay for the product in the currencies of the other country }
  • businesses avoiding risks
    doing a business plan at the start makes a business less likely to fail
    need to plan for different scenarios
    business can carry out market research
    should research their competiton