Every minute, a woman dies in childbirth or from complications of pregnancy
More than 500,000 women die each year; almost all (95%) occur in developing countries
For every woman who dies as many as 30 others suffer chronic illness or disability
Maternal mortality is the health indicator with the most disparity between developed and developing countries
The cumulative lifetime risk of dying as a result of pregnancy is 1:2800 in developed versus 1:16 in developing countries
Maternalmortalitytrends are unacceptable, but not insurmountable because the major causes are known and avoidable
Major causes of maternal deaths
Complications of unsafeabortion
Interventions can be made available even in resource-poor settings
Safe Motherhood Initiative
World Summit for Children
International Conference on Populations and Development
4th World Conference on Women
Millennium Summit/Declaration
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Moral imperative
The death of a woman during pregnancy or childbirth is a violation of her rights to life and health
Social implications
Maternal death or disability can plunge families into poverty and deeper despair; surviving children esp. those < 5 years old are at risk of dying since no one will attend to their needs
The loss may reverberate throughout an entire community
Maternal Death
The death of a woman while pregnant or within42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of duration and site of the pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management but not accidental or incidental causes
It is a rare event and therefore its number may not be large enough to detect statistically significant changes over time
Underreporting - especially if most occur outside of health facilities (in the absence of health personnel to report them)
Misreporting because of the complicated definition requiring also its cause and timing OR sometimes done intentionally to avoid legal action
MaternalMortalityRatio (MMR)
Number of women who die from pregnancy related causes while pregnant or within 42 days of pregnancy termination per 100,000 live births
Philippines maternal mortality rate for 2015 was 114.00, a 2.56% decline from 2014
Philippines maternal mortality rate for 2014 was 117.00, a 3.31% decline from 2013
Philippines maternal mortality rate for 2013 was 121.00, a 3.97% decline from 2012
Philippines maternal mortality rate for 2012 was 126.00, a 0.79% decline from 2011
Lessons learned: Most maternal deaths and disabilities would be averted if
All pregnancies are wanted and planned
All pregnancies are adequately managed throughout its course
All births are attended by skilled health professionals (ideally facility-based)
All complications are managed in adequately-staffed and equippedfacilities offering emergency obstetric care
Strategies to Reduce Maternal Mortality
Universal access to contraceptive services to reduce unintended pregnancies