A procedure in which instruments are used to record the heartbeat of the fetus and the contractions of the woman's uterus during labor (CTG), or record the heartbeat of the fetus and the fetal movement (NST)
Use of the Doppler or fetoscope (a listening device) to assess the FHR by listening. This method can detect the baseline, rhythm, increase, and decrease in the FHR
Visually apparent gradual decrease in FHR below the baseline, with the nadir occurring at the same time as the peak of the uterine contraction. Caused by pressure on fetal head, vagal response. Interventions not necessary.
The absence of accelerations for more than 80 minutes correlates with increased neonatal morbidity (illness). Fetal scalp stimulation can be used to induce accelerations.
When the fetus' heart rate doesn't increase with movement or it doesn't move at all. Additional tests can help determine why the fetus wasn't active during the non-stress test.