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  • Homo Erectus - first set of human species.
  • Homo Sapiens - modernized human beings.
  • Stone Age - tools from stones and flints marked this era.
  • Venus Figure - depicts rudimentary carving of a voluptuous woman out of ivory or stone.
  • Paleolithic - era before stone age.
  • Religion - strongest contender to science arguably due to its being most easily grasped.
  • Fur Clothing and Animal Skin - primarily used for comfort against harsh winds.
  • 12000 years ago -earliest case of man-made extinction.
  • Holocene Extinction or Sixth Extinction or more aptly Anthropocene Extinction - occurred from early as between 100,000 to 200,00 years up to the present. It pertains to the ongoing extinction of the several species both flora and fauna due to human activity.
  • Wedge - simple machine.
  • Megafaunas - large mammal of a particular region, habitat or geological period.
  • A nuclear community which is initially self-sufficient has to accommodate their growing population with depleting resources, leading them to be reliant to other communities produce which keeps them surviving.
  • Martin Heidegger - argued that its essence, or purpose and being are different from each other. He was able to expound on this point upon identifying that technology can either be perceived as first, a means to achieve man's end and second, that which constitutes human activity. The second perspective paints technology in such a way that each period reveals a particular character regarding man's being.
  • Compared to his teacher and predecessor, Plato, Aristotle embarked on a different approach in figuring out reality.
  • Aristotle puts everything back to the ground in claiming that this world is all there is to it and that this world is the only reality we can all access.
  • For Plato, change is perplexing that it can only make sense if there are two realities: the world of forms and the world of matter.
  • Plato recognized change as a process and as a phenomenon that happens in the world that in fact it is constant. Claims that despite the reality of change, things remain and they retain their ultimate - whatness.
  • Plato is now convinced that reality is full of these seemingly explained by postulating two aspects of reality, two worlds if you wish; the world of forms and the world of matter.
  • In the world of matter, things are changing and impermanent.
  • In the world of forms, the entities are only copies of the ideal and the models, and the forms are the only real identities.
  • Aristotle, disagreed with his teacher's position and forwarded the idea that there is no reality over and above what the senses can perceive.
  • Change is a process that is inherent in things.
  • We along with all other entities in the world, start as potentialities and move as actualities.
  • In eighteenth century, John Stuart Mill, declared the Greatest Happiness Principle by saying that an action is right as far as it maximizes the attainment of happiness for the greatest number of people.
  • Mill said that individual of each individual should be prioritized and collectively dictates the kind of action that should be endorsed.
  • The first materialist was the atomists of Ancient Greece.
  • Democritus and Leucippus - led a school whose primary belief is that the world is made up of and controlled by the tiny indivisible units in the world called atomos or seeds.
  • For Democritus and his disciples, the world, including human beings is made up of matter. There is no need to posit immaterial entities as sources of purpose.
  • Atomos simply comes together randomly to form the things in the world.
  • In terms of human flourishing, matter is what makes us attain happiness.
  • The Hedonist - sees the end goal of life in acquiring pleasure.
  • Pleasure - always been the priority of Hedonist. For them, life is about obtaining and indulging in pleasure because life is limited.
  • Mantra of Hedonism - Eat, Drink, and Be Merry for Tomorrow We Die.
  • Hedonism - Led by Epicurus, this school of thought also does not buy any notion of afterlife just like the materialists.
  • Hedonists strive to maximize their total pleasure. They believe that pleasure is the only good in life, and pain is the only evil, and our life's goal should be to maximize pleasure and minimize pain.
  • Stoics - espoused the idea that to generate happiness, one must learn to distance oneself and be apathetic.
  • The original term "Apatheia" means to be indifferent.
  • For the stoics, happiness can only be attained by a careful practice of apathy.
  • Stoicism - school of thought that flourished in Greek and Roman antiquity. It was one of the loftiest and most sublime philosophies in the record of Western Civilization.
  • Stoic Moral Theory - based on the view that the world, as one great city, is a unity.