Environmental quality surveys

Cards (13)

  • Environmental quality surveys are used to measure the 'look or feel' of a location.
  • Environmental quality surveys are subjective, as one person may think a location is nicer then others.
  • Environmental quality surveys are based on using a set of broad criteria on which to make a judgement about location, such as the quality of buildings, amount of traffic, local shops, services available, and general quality of the area.
  • Environmental quality surveys can be carried out in different locations to identify the areas which are the worst/ best which identifies areas that need more work.
  • equipment needed for an Environmental quality survey:
    -       Prepared survey sheets, such as bipolar surveys
    -       Base maps of the area
    -       A digital camera
    -       Sketching materials
    -       Satellite images of the study area
  • Methodology when carrying out Environmental quality survey:
    1.     Decide on the context.
    2.     Decide your sampling method. 
    3.     Decide on the criteria/measurements (e.g., building condition, noise level, litter, etc)
    4.     Trial run
    5.     Who is going to take out the data.
  • Examples of context:
    -       Several separate locations within one area (e.g., CBD or residential area)
    -       Two or more areas (e.g., inner-city housing versus suburbs)
    -       Locations along a transect (s) (e.g., from the CBD to the urban fringe)
    -       Two shopping areas (e.g., two city-centre shopping streets or two shopping malls)
    -       A tourist area/resort (e.g., a seaside resort or between two country parks)
  • considerations and limitations of Environmental quality serveys:
    -       This survey technique is based on making judgements, and very subjective.
    -       Most judgements are made based on stereotypes or misconceptions.
    -       Data can be compared to published data such as census or house prices.
    -       Time of day can be important for certain factors.
  • How can environmental quality surveys be processed?

    - Isoline maps show places of the same environmental quality.
    - Bipolar graphs can be used to compare different areas.
  • what do environmental quality surveys measure?
    the 'look' or 'feel' of a location
  • what is the biggest limitation to environmental quality surveys?
    they are subjective, as one person may think a location is nicer than others
  • how do environmental quality surveys work?
    they are based on using a set of broad criteria, to make judgements about a location
  • examples of criteria which may be looked at:
    quality of buildings, amount of traffic, local shops, services, green space, damage