Institutions and procedures that provide for transactions in short term debt instruments that are generally issued by borrowers with good credit ratings
Financial institutions other than banks whose principal functions include lending, investing or placement of funds or evidence of indebtedness or equity
Involves lending by the ultimate lender to a financial intermediary who pools the funds of many lenders in order to relend at a mark-up over the cost of funds
An institution which deals in money and credit, accepts deposits from the public and grants loans and advances, can be a creditor and debtor at the same time, highly regulated by BSP
An activity which involves acceptance of deposits for the purpose of lending or investing, in addition to accepting deposits and lending funds, banking also involves providing various other services
The main operation of a bank, the savings of the depositor will be put in the bank then the bank will loan it to other people, bank charges a higher rate to borrowers compared to the rate they give to depositors
Essentially, banking is about confidence or trust—the belief that the bank has the money to honor its obligations. Any crack in that confidence can trigger a run and potentially a bank failure, even bringing down solvent institutions
Through modernization, they improve the service they give to their clients, the bank has to adopt modern technical services like online banking, credit card etc.
Roles are carried out by different departments with different people, Banks segments their whole functions into various parts and place their human resources according to their efficiency
Both on the information of the bank and their clients, Signing of confidentiality/secrecy, Secrecy of bank deposits law, maintains and keeps the clients' accounts secretly
Represent the largest single group, resource-wise, of financial institutions in the country, offer the widest variety of banking services among financial institutions, also authorized to engage in underwriting and other functions of investment houses, and to invest in equities of non-allied undertakings, Expanded commercial banks, Offer long term loans
Represent the largest single group, resource-wise, of financial institutions in the country, offer the widest variety of banking services among financial institutions, Focused on short term loans, They can be turned to universal banks but they have to meet the regulations (capital and such)
Are engaged in accumulating savings of depositors and investing them, They also provide short-term working capital and medium- and long-term financing to businesses engaged in agriculture, services, industry and housing, and diversified financial and allied services, and to their chosen markets and constituencies, especially small- and medium- enterprises and individuals, Savings and mortgage banks, Private development banks, Stock savings and loan associations, Microfinance thrift banks
Are the more popular type of banks in the rural communities, Their role is to promote and expand the rural economy in an orderly and effective manner by providing the people in the rural communities with basic financial services, Privately owned and managed