
Cards (5)

  • Questionnaires allow you to gather primary data, which may not be available from other sources, on your choice of topic using pre-determined questions.
  • equipment needed for a questionnaire:
    • Prepared questionnaire.
    • An identity badge or letter.
  • Methodology for carrying out a questionnaire:
    • The number of questions to ensure that sufficient information is gathered and that is relevant to the purpose/aims of the questionnaire
    • The types of questions to be asked – whether open or closed - to generate appropriate information for processing
    • How the questionnaire is to be administered to ensure a high response rate that can be efficiently managed
    • Trial the questionnaire.
    • When and where it will be conducted.
    • Suitable sampling strategy.
  • Advantages for a questionnaire:
    • Questionnaires generate information about people’s opinions that is not available from any other source
    • Information that is up to date
    • Information that can generate descriptive and explanatory data
    • The most efficient and effective tool for collecting population based information
  • Disadvantages for a questionnaire:
    • Poorly designed questions can generate irrelevant information
    • People not telling the truth
    • The questionnaire sample could be biased due to the sample size or sampling procedure