Cards (8)

  • Factors that influence the rate of diffusion: Temperature, concentration gradient, surface area, and diffusion distance, mass of diffusing substance - ALL DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL except for mass of diffusing substance and diffusion distance (INDIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL)
  • Diffusion-increased rate of diffusion  with increase temperature
  • 0.1% saline solution
    • is HYPOTONIC, meaning cells would inflate thus the potato would INCREASE IN SIZE.
    • In animal cells, it may cause cell lysis or bursting, to prevent this the cell has specialized organelles called contractile vacuoles.
  • 0.9% saline solution
    • is ISOTONIC, meaning cells would stay the same because the environment is in an equilibrium
    • “ISO” means the same
  • 25% saline solution
    • is HYPERTONIC, meaning cells would SHRINK
    • In blood cells, this causes crenation or the collapsing of the structure of the cell due to more solute outside of the cell
  • Active Transport
    •Energy is required for carrier proteins to move solutes against a concentration gradient
    •Transport maximum and saturation
    •Two sources of cellular energy:
    -Hydrolysis of ATP (Primary Active Transport)
    -Energy stored in an iconic concentration gradient (secondary active transport)
  • Dialysis results:
    Heller’s Test - NEGATIVE
    Fehling’s Test - NEGATIVE
    Test for salts - POSITIVE
  • Why salt is the only molecule detected on the dialysate?
    • This is because the semi-permeable membrane only allows the passing through of smaller particles.
    Salt is a compound of Sodium and Chlorine while Sugar contains a number of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms which would make Sugar the larger particle. Proteins on the other hand are more complex molecules than the previously mentioned molecules