Urban land use mapping

Cards (6)

  • Mapping land-use types within an urban development, the completed map will show the types of intensities of land use in an area.
  • R esidential
    I ndustrial
    C ommercial
    E ntertainment
    P ublic buildings
    O pen space
    T ransport
    S ervices
  • Equipment:
    • Base map of the area (ex OS 1:25,000 map or Goad plan)
    • Land-use classification key/code sheet
    • A digital/mobile phone camera
    • Coloured pencils
    • Satellite images of the study area.
  • Methodology:
    • An appropriate sampling strategy must be adopted, depending on the area size, for example using a transect or whole area
    • Using a large scale map (ex 1:10.000 OS map) as a base map, with a land use classification key (ex RICEPOTS) to make data collection easier
    • Take digital images of the recorded land use for future reference and support.
    • The students should then follow the transect route recording information on the base map by adding colours/codes from the classification key.
  • Considerations and limitations:
    • Mapping the areas being researched will be time consuming and very labour intensive if working alone or in smaller groups.
    • A degree of subjectivity is inevitable when determining land use
    • This technique only covers the ground floor meaning more specific data about upper floors is missed out reducing the reliability of the data
    • The selection of data gathering locations along a transect could create unintentional bias
    • Some maps may be too expensive to obtain, try local libraries where photocopies can be sourced.
  • Processing techniques:
    Nearest neighbour can be used to show if clustering of certain services exists.