Mast cells (small round/ovalcells with numerouscytoplasmicgranules, play role in inflammatory reactions, regulate endothelial and fibroblast cell production)
Macrophages (located adjacent to blood vessels, appear similar to fibroblasts but have prominent phagocytosed material in cytoplasm, sparse organelles, function for phagocytosing dead cells)
The periodontalligament is thinnest at the middleregion of the root, thin in functionless and embeddedteeth, and wide in teethunderexcessiveocclusalstresses
The periodontalligament in the periapicalarea of the tooth is often the siteofpathologic lesions such as periapicalabscesses,dental granulomas, and apicalcysts
If orthodontic tooth movement is within physiologic limits, there is compression/shortening of the periodontal ligament on the pressure side and elongation/widening on the tension side
In restorative dentistry, the supporting tissues of a tooth long out of function are poorly adapted to carry the load suddenly placed on the tooth by a restoration