The July days

Cards (4)

  • July days happened between 3rd-6th July 1917
  • causes
    • PG was experiencing problems
    • soldiers retreating back to Russia from the Austrian front, they wanted to overthrow the PG along with the Bolsheviks
  • events
    • Kerensky moved loyal troops to squash the rebels, 400 were killed and Lenin fled the country.
    • the rebels were looting, rioting, there was chaos
    • the rebellion was lead by Trotsky on the ground and Lenin
  • Consequences
    • 8th July, Kerensky appointed new prime minster
    • growing discomfort from Russian population, they felt not much ahead changed from the time of the Tsar
    • Kerensky was determined to continue the war
    • the PG’s rule afterwards was very unstable although it appeared strong
    • not a success for the bolsheviks, Lenin fled to Finland and many were arrested or went into hiding. Pravda was shut down
    • with Lenin in Finland he changed his views ” land to peasants“ “peace, bread, land” to win him support