Moscovici argued social influence occurs through internalisation as well as compliance
There were 32 groups of 6 women but 2/6 were confederates
They were shown 36 blue slides
The use of filters varied the colour intensity and the PTS were told the experiment was about colour perception and they would be asked to report colour aloud
The 2 confederates answered first and second or first and forth consistently said slides were green
In the second experiment PTS did same task and then asked to do a similar task later but individually writing down answers.
In the third experiment confederates answered green 24 times and blue 12 times so were not consistent
There was a control group in each experiment
PTS agreed with minority on 8.42% of trials
32% gave the same answer as the minority at least once
In the second experiment there was greater private agreement with the confederates than public
In third experiment when confederates were inconsistent agreement with the minority was 1.25%
In conclusion it shows minorities can influence majority opinion and third experiment shoes that consistency is a key element as influence dropped drastically when confederates were not consistent
In conclusion higher agreement with minority in private suggests the reason people do not tend to agreed with minority is because they do not want to be seen to agreed with a deviant minority in public