A form of social influence where a positive minority experiences pressure to change the attitudes, beliefs or behaviours of the majority.
If minority influence did not happen and everyone went along with the majority we would have no change or innovation
Minority groups might first be viewed as extremists but over time these can become very influential
Moscovici suggested minorities need to have a certain behavioural style if they're to be successful in exerting social influence i.e. consistency, committment, flexibility
Minorities are influenced when they express their arguements consistently as it attracts interest. They must believe it to be true as it will encourage majority to rethink own views
Synchronic consistency
Minority all saying the same thing
Diachronic consistency
Minority saying same thing over long period of time
Sometimes minority engaged in extreme activities to draw attention to views e.g. protests causing arrests.
Augmentation principle
If people are willing to suffer for the views the impact is increased on others
Being extremely consistent can be off putting and reduce likelihood of majority converting to minority. Instead they should be prepared to adapt and accept compromises.