AO3 moscovici

Cards (4)

  • Research supports - when confederates were inconsistent agreement with minority fell from 8% to 1%. Therefore suggests consistency is needed for minorities to have an influence and is valid.
  • Limited - reporting colours of slides are artificial. This means the findings and concepts may not relate to real life. Therefore may be low in ecological validity.
  • Low population validity - he researched only women. This is an issue because women and men differ in the amount they are influenced by the minority. Therefore research does not represent minority influence in males
  • Highly controlled - therefore is a simplified version of how it occurs in real life. For example studies make a clear distinction in terms of numbers of people involved and also control how the confederates are viewed. However research shoes that whether the minority are important to us will also play a role as will individual differences in terms of personal control and gender. Hence minority influence is much more complicated in real life than how it is represented in research. It is low in external validity.