
Cards (18)

  • Techne
    Art, skill, craft, or the way, manner, or means by which a thing is gained
  • Logos
    Word, the utterance by which inward thought is expressed, a saying, or an expression
  • Technology
    The realization of the knowledge which will form into skills and techniques used to produce equipment and goods that would enhance lives and society
  • The Question Concerning Technology
    Martin Heidegger
  • Martin Heidegger
    • A philosopher who believes in human flourishing
    • Not against technology
    • Concern is to use technology in a proper way
  • Technology
    • Not purely technical
    • A means to an end - Instrumental
    • A human activity - Anthropological definition "Tool For Us To Master"
  • Heidegger's analysis of technology in The Question Concerning Technology
    • Technology is "not an instrument", it is a way of understanding the world
    • Technology is "not a human activity", but develops beyond human control
    • Technology is "the highest danger", risking us to only see the world through technological thinking
  • Aristotle's four causes
    • Causa materialis - Matter: a material cause is determined by the matter that composes the changing things
    • Causa formalis - Form: a formal cause is due to the arrangement, shape, or appearance of the thing changing
    • Causa finalis - End or Purpose: a final cause is that for the sake of which a thing is changing
    • Causa efficiens - Agency or Efficiency: an efficient cause consists of things apart from the thing being changed, which interact so as to be an agency of the change
  • Heidegger's reconception of Aristotle's four causes
    • Four ways of being responsible
    • Bringing-forth or the taking of each of the causes with careful consideration to produce the final product
  • Technology
    • A Way of Revealing (aletheia = unconcealedness = truth)
    • Dasein (German word meaning "being there" or "presence" - often translated as "existence")
  • Techne
    • Something poietic and a kind of knowing
    • Poiesis - "To bring forth into appearance or existence" - bringing forth by something else or external factors
    • Physis - "bursting into bloom, unfolding from itself" - "nature" - bringing forth without an external help
  • Modern Technology
    • An advancement of old technology
    • The impact of technology in modern life is unmeasurable
    • We use technology in different ways and sometimes the way we implement various technologies ends up harming our lives or the society we leave in
  • How Modern Technology Challenges Nature into Revealing
    1. Setting upon - Unlocks and exposes nature
    2. Ordering - What is unlocked is transformed
    3. Standing-reserve - What is transformed is stored
  • Enframing
    An active gathering to reveal the truth
  • Danger of "Standing-Reserve"
    • Humans will come to consider humans as a standing-reserve
    • Humans will develop this egotistical belief that they have control over existence
    • Humans will further believe that the human race is the ONLY race that matters
    • Humanity will ultimately be blinded to the way in which the world naturally reveals itself
  • M. Heidegger: '"The essence of technology is by no means anything technological"'
  • M. Heidegger: '"the essence of technology is nothing but technological"'
  • "Questioning is the piety of thought"