breathing patterns

Cards (17)

  • rate - tachypnea, bradypnea, and apnea
  • tachypnea - quick, shallow breaths
  • bradypnea - abnormally slow breathing
  • apnea - cessation of breathing
  • Volume - hyperventilation and hypoventilation
  • hyperventilation - overexpansion of the lungs, rapid and deep breaths
  • hypoventilation - under expansion of the lungs, shallow and infrequent breaths
  • Rhythm - biot and cheyne-strokes breathing
  • biot breathing - several shorts breaths followed by long irregular periods of apnea
  • cheyne-stokes breathing - rhythmic waxing and waning of respirations, from very deep to very shallow breathing and temporary apnea
  • ease or effort - dyspnea and orthopnea
  • dyspnea - difficult and labored breathing during which the individual has a persistent, unsatisfied need for air and feels distressed
  • orthopnea - ability to breathe only in upright sitting or standing position
  • stridor – a shrill, harsh sound heard during inspiration with laryngeal obstruction.
  • stertor – snoring or sonorous respiration, usually due to a partial obstruction of the upper airway.
  • wheeze – continuous, high-pitched musical squeak or whistling sound occurring on expiration and sometimes on inspiration when air moves through a narrowed or partially obstructed airway.
  • crackles/ rales – gurgling sounds heard as air passes through moist secretions in the respiratory tract.