Cards (8)

  • structured interview - the source of the questions is a job analysis (job-related questions), all applicants are asked the same questions, and there is a standardized scoring key to evaluate each answer.
  • unstructured interview - Interviewers often base their hiring decisions on “gut reactions,” or intuition. However, people are not good at using intuition to predict behavior. Most common questions asked by interviewers may not be job related. Interviewers decide about a candidate within the first few minutes of an interview.
  • One-on-one interviews - involve one interviewer interviewing one applicant.
  • Serial interviews - involve a series of single interviews.
  • Panel interviews - have multiple interviewers asking questions and evaluating answers of the same applicant at the same time, and group interviews have multiple applicants answering questions during the same interview.
  • face-to-face interviews - both the interviewer and the applicant are in
    the same room.
  • Videoconference interviews - are conducted at remote sites.
  • Written interviews - involve the applicant answering a series of written questions and then sending the answers back through regular mail or through email.