Cost of sales is calculated: (opening inventories + purchases) - closing inventories.
Revenue is calculated: Selling price x quantity sold.
Gross profit is calculated: revenue - cost of sales.
The acronym for cost of sales is: CoS.
Gross profit is calculated: revenue - cost of sales.
The acronym for cost of sales is: CoS
Profit before tax is calculated = interest costs - profit from operations.
Profit from operations = gross profit - overhead costs.
Profit for the year = corporation tax - profit before tax
Retained profit = profit for the year - dividends.
Working capital = current assets - current liabilities.
Reserves = shareholders equity - sharecapital.
Net realisable value = the amount for which the existing inventory can be sold - the cost of the inventory.
The annual depreciation is calculated by the formula:
The original cost of asset - expected residual value
The expected useful life of the asset (years)
A profit and loss statement shows how much profit a company made from its business operations, and how it is distributed between dividends to shareholders and retained earnings.
The Statement of financial position states the net worth and equity of the company.
Current assets are assets that are expected to be converted into cash within one year.
Non-current assets are assets that are to be used for more than one year.
Current assets include cash, trade recievables, and inventories.
Non-current assets include machinery, land, vehicles, etc.
Parts of a statement of profit and loss include:
Trading account
Section of profit and loss
Appropriation account
Intangible assets are Items of value to the business that cannot be held or possessed. This includes things like patents, copyrights, and trademarks, and goodwill.
Current ratio = current assets
current liabilities
Liquidity refers to the ability of the business to pay back its short term loans.
Acid test ratio = liquid assets
current liabilities
Acid test ratios compare a business's liquid assets to its current liabilities