Calculations and formulas

Cards (52)

  • Cost of sales is calculated: (opening inventories + purchases) - closing inventories.
  • Revenue is calculated: Selling price x quantity sold.
  • Gross profit is calculated: revenue - cost of sales.
  • The acronym for cost of sales is: CoS.
  • Gross profit is calculated: revenue - cost of sales.
  • The acronym for cost of sales is: CoS
  • Profit before tax is calculated = interest costs - profit from operations.
  • Profit from operations = gross profit - overhead costs.
  • Profit for the year = corporation tax - profit before tax
  • Retained profit = profit for the year - dividends.
  • Working capital = current assets - current liabilities.
  • Reserves = shareholders equity - share capital.
  • Net realisable value = the amount for which the existing inventory can be sold - the cost of the inventory.
  • The annual depreciation is calculated by the formula:
    The original cost of asset - expected residual value
    The expected useful life of the asset (years)
  • A profit and loss statement shows how much profit a company made from its business operations, and how it is distributed between dividends to shareholders and retained earnings.
  • The Statement of financial position states the net worth and equity of the company.
  • Current assets are assets that are expected to be converted into cash within one year.
  • Non-current assets are assets that are to be used for more than one year.
  • Current assets include cash, trade recievables, and inventories.
  • Non-current assets include machinery, land, vehicles, etc.
  • Parts of a statement of profit and loss include:
    • Trading account
    • Section of profit and loss
    • Appropriation account
  • Intangible assets are Items of value to the business that cannot be held or possessed. This includes things like patents, copyrights, and trademarks, and goodwill.
  • Current ratio = current assets
    current liabilities
  • Liquidity refers to the ability of the business to pay back its short term loans.
  • Acid test ratio = liquid assets
    current liabilities
  • Acid test ratios compare a business's liquid assets to its current liabilities
  • Gross profit margin ratio = gross profit
    ------------- x 100
  • Forecasted net cash flow = forecasted cash inflows - forecasted cash outflows.
  • Liquid assets = current assets - inventories
  • Operating profit ratio = Operating profit (profit from operations) / Total revenue x 100
  • Return on capital employed ratio= operating profit/capital employed x 100
  • Capital employed= non-current liabilities + shareholder's equity
  • In case you are not given the value of current assets, you must look for and ADD cash, trade receivables, and inventory.
  • Current liabilities are found by: adding together overdrafts, trade payables, and acquired expenses like (dividends, tax liability, etc).
  • Inventory turnover= cost of sales
    average inventory
  • Average inventory= Inventory at the start of the year+ inventory at the end of the year/2
  • Trade receivables turnover= trade receivables
    ------------------ x 365
    credit sales
  • Trade payables turnover= trade payables
    ----------------x 365
    credit purchases
  • Gearing ratio= non-current liabilities
    --------------------- x 100
    capital employed
  • Dividend yield ratio= dividend per share
    ------------------- x 100
    market share price