> 8 pilot studies to control for ethics and credibility (concurrent validity)
> Comparison group asked to predict their behaviour and behaviours of other uni students if in the setting
> Lab experiment/ Controlled observation
> Participants briefed and assured of confidentiality (ethics)
> Each participant was met by the same male experimenter and given their task by standardised procedure (internal reliability)
> Ps were told an experiment on sensory deprivation was being done- recently done in Rome and caused hallucinations and cognitive impairments- and the Ps needed to write an enthusiastic statement to attract volunteers (including two adjectives eg eciting, superb)
> Ps given 3mins alone to reflect on the proposed study then taken to room with a computer to write the statement, a mailbox and anonymous forms to report to the Research Commitee (reduce social desirability bias)
> After 7 mins (standardised = reliable) Ps were taken out of the room and asked Qs regarding religion and faith (holisitic), given a HEXACO -PI-R test, and a Decomposed Games test about social value
>Ps were then fully debriefed (ethics)