Skin eruption/Rose spots – pink papules
Low grade fever - increase gradually to 40 – 41 C. "Remittent"
Episodes of chillness – non-specific treatments after febrile state
Diarrhea is an accompanying symptom; vomiting is also noted
Abdominal pain w/ distention
Tenderness at R/L hypochondriac (hepatomegaly / splenomegaly)
Severe toxic – apathetic, sustained pyrexia and rapid pulse
Marked abdominal symptoms – slight abdominal distention, tenderness, constipation or diarrhea
"Sordes" – thick dirty brown collection of dried mucus and bacteria
Gradual decline in fever/symptoms
Toxicity increases, Loss of weight
Pyrexia persist and delirious state emerges (typhoid psychosis)
Abdominal distention is pronounced
Pea soup Diarrhea
Patient is week with thready pulse, tachypnea and crackle