Cards (128)

  • Parasitology
    The study of the interaction between parasites and their hosts
  • Parasitologist
    A person who studies parasites
  • Parasites
    An organism that lives on or in a host organism and gets its food from or at the expense of its host
  • Three main classes of parasites
    • Protozoa
    • Helminths
    • Ectoparasites
  • Eating raw or semi-raw meat or fish can lead to getting parasites
  • Being in contact with pets can lead to getting parasites
  • Contaminated water or food (poor sanitation) can lead to getting parasites
  • Poor hygiene can lead to getting parasites
  • Unwashed hands can lead to getting parasites
  • Unwashed vegetables and fruits can lead to getting parasites
  • Doctors and especially pediatricians are also exposed to parasites, as their patients often have parasites
  • Institutional care centers can lead to getting parasites
  • Traveling to a region known to have parasites (mostly rural or developing countries) can lead to getting parasites
  • Living in regions known to have parasites can lead to getting parasites
  • Elderly people and children are more vulnerable to parasitic infections
  • Weakened immune system e.g. HIV or AIDS can lead to getting parasites
  • Nurses prevent further damage to the host especially if the hosts involve children
  • Lice infestation is common among school age while pinworm is common among children aged 5-10
  • Scotch tape Test is a test for children to identify a pinworm infestation
  • Whipworm and Hookworm are examples of soil transmitted helminths
  • The skin is the portal of entry of hookworms and Plasmodium (specie causing Malaria)
  • Larvae stage of hookworms enters the human host
  • Human mouth is the portal of entry of amoeba and whipworms
  • In the human host, most parasites hatch in the small intestines
  • Mastigophora
    The flagellates
  • Sarcodina
    The ameba
  • Ciliophora
    the ciliates
  • Platyhelminthes
  • trematodes
  • cestodes
  • nemathelminthes
  • protozoa
    • mastigophora
    • sarcodina
    • ciliophora
    • sporozoa
  • helminths
    • flatworms
    • trematodes
    • cestodes
    • roundworms
    • thorny-headed worms
  • parasitic arachnids
    • ticks
    • mites
    • chiggers
    • scabies
  • ectoparasitic insects
    • mosquitoes
    • tsetse flies
    • fleas
    • lice
    • bed bugs
  • Malaria is caused by plasmodium and transmitted tru mosquitoe bites
  • Leishmaniasis is caused by leishmania and transmitted tru sandfly bites
  • african sleeping sickness caused by trypanosoma brucei tru tsetse fly bites
  • chagas' disease caused by trypanosoma cruzi tru kissing bug feces
  • schistosomiasis caused by schistosoma tru water