The head of the tribe gets the first pick when an animal is caught in a hunt
This may be merely a kind gesture by the hunters towards the tribe leader at first
If this act is repeated over time, members of the tribe will count on its reoccurrence and there will be reproaches if the chief does not get the first pick
In the end, these reproaches may become so serious that the hunters will be punished if they do not offer the chief the first pick
What is the difference between rule of law and rule by law?
Rule by law = a state depending on law for it’s functioning
Rule of law (Rechtsstaat) = a state depending on law for it’s functioning whereby the law is guided by certain values, examples: human rights, democracy, …
Why do we need a hierarchy of norms?
To ensure all acts of the legislative/executive/judiciary respect the rule of law
To solve the possible conflict between the norms (if one of these legal instruments prevails, we cannot decide which norm to apply)
To establish the unity and consistency of norms that provides stability and foreseeability
To ensure no administrative regulation deviates from legislation and no legislation deviates from the rules set in the Constitution, which guarantees fundamental rights and freedom.
What is the difference between public law and private law?
Public Law:
Relationship between the State and its citizens
Organisation of and action by public authorities
Constitutional law, criminal law, administrative law
Example: Property rights → ownership regulations, right of ownership = human right
Private Law:
Relationship between private parties
Organisation of the right and obligations of the members of a society
Contract law, law of obligations, property law, …
Example: Property rights → relationship between lessor and lessee, neighbour law
What is the difference between substantive law and procedural law?
Substantive law = rules that give people rights and determine what people should do/are not allowed to do
Procedural law = a set of established forms for conducting a trail and regulating the events that precede and follow it
What is Syllogism?
an argument with two premises (starting points) and a single conclusion.
What is the format of the formulation of a legal rule?
IF condition x THEN legal consequence y
Ex. IF somebody acted wrongfully toward another person, and if he or she thereby caused damage to this other person, THEN he or she must compensate this damage.
What is legal interpretation?
Methods of legal interpretation are used to decipher the meaning of a legal rule
What are the methods of legal interpretation?
Grammatical or literal interpretation
Legislation can define the terms needed for an interpretation based on the wording.
Systematic interpretation
= Looking at the context of a rule.
Teleological interpretation
What is the purpose/objective of the rule in question? What do we want to protect?
Historical interpretation
Understanding the will of the legislative power, for example based on preparatory documents.
What are the three principles to deal with conflict?
Lex superior:
In case of conflict, the superior rule overrides the inferior rule
Lex posterior:
The newer rule prevails over the older one
Lex specialis:
The more specific law prevails over the general one