AO3 interference theory

Cards (4)

  • Research to support pro and retroactive interference - in a word pair memory task Underwood found information learnt second, interfered with information learnt first and information learnt first interfered with information learnt second. This suggests theory is valid explanation of forgetting
  • Most research is based off Controlled experiments with artificial material - therefore findings may not be relatable to everyday memory where information is meaningful and we are also motivated to remember things and interference may not occur. Hence, research into interference theory lacks ecological validity
  • Practical application for advertising - research shows that exposure to adverts from competing brands within a short term period can lead to interference and therefore their costly adverts may not be effective if consumers remember and buy and different product. Therefore companies need to avoid interference by making adverts distinctive so interference does not occur.
  • Can be argued that retrieval failure is better than interference theory. A study by Tulving Et al supports this idea as they found interference causes a temporary loss of accessibility to material that is still in long term memory, a finding that is not predicted by interference theory