To test for alkenes, you use bromine water and a positive test would show colour change from orange to colourless
Alkenes are used to produce polymers and other chemicals like solvents
The products of cracking are alkanes and alkenes
Test for carbon dioxide: Pass gas through limewater and positive test would be that it turns cloudy,milky white, turbid. This cloudiness is due to insoluble calcium carbonate.
Test for water 1: Add liquid to anhydrous, white copper sulfate and if it turns blue, water is present
Test for water 2: Add liquid to blue cobalt chloride, if it turns pink, the liquid is water.
Volatility is tendency to turn into gas.
Viscosity is how easily it flows
Alkenes react with hydrogen to produce alkanes at 60ºC in presence of nickel catalyst
Alkenes react with steam to produce alcohols
Carboxylic acids contain a C=O bond
Carboxylic acid general formula:CnH2n+1COOH
Carboxylic acids are different from other acids because they react with alcohols to produce esters and water in the presence of an acid catalyst.
Cabroxylic acids are weak acids because they don't completely ionise and molecules remain in solution.
Carbon dioxide is given off more slowly when carboxylic acids react with metal carbonates as compared to hydrochloric acid of same concentration, this is due to them being weak acids
Esters functional group: -COO
Esters are volatile compounds and have distinctive smells.
Example of ester is ethyl ethanoate and has structural formula CH3COOCH2CH3
Alcohols can be oxidised by chemical oxidising agents like potassium dichromate to produce carboxylic acids
Many organic compounds dissolve in alcohols so alcohols are used in mouth washes and perfumes
Some microbes in air can oxidise solutions of ethanol to produced ethanoic acid which turns alcoholic drinks and is the main acid in vinegar.
When burnt completely, alcohols produce carbon dioxide and water
Alcohols are highly flammable and burn with clean blue flame
Methanol and ethanols are used in fuels mixed with petrol due to the high flammability
When sodium and ethanol react, sodium will efferversce and hydrogen gas will be produced, but less rigourous than sodium and water