The book of exodus has threeparts: the call, the covenant, and the test
The call: The call was when God called Moses to keep the covenant of Abraham. God appeared to Moses in the form of a burningbush. Moses felt unworthy so God gave him powers.
The Israelites were known as the "chosen people" because they had a special responsibility to fulfillGod's law.
why were the Israelites chosen?
they had a special responsibility to fulfillGod's law.
The covenant: God wanted us to treat one another well so he created the 10 commandments to keep their side of the covenant;
The commandments contain rules that unite us with God and each other. The commandments are not to restrict our freedom but to provide freedom and peace within our community.
The commandments have threepurposes: to protect us, unite us, and guide us.
God'slawfree us from slavery and sin
Vocation: a call from God
Oppression: Stripping away someone's freedom by excessive use of authority. Has lack of personal ownership
freedom: our culture places a great emphasis on personal freedom which is often equated with unrestricted choice.
Freedom in Judeo-Christian Tradition: truefreedom is responsible to, and respectfulof, the freedom and anatomy of others. It is a gift- the purpose of which is that we may seekGod and respond to God'sinvitation to love.
two types of freedom: Internal and external
Internal freedom: freedom to make yourowndecisions
threats to internal freedom: ignorance, short term pleasure, self-deception, vices, addictions, lowself-esteem
external freedom: freedom from outside control
threats to external freedom: oppression from others, injustice, prejudice
atone: make amends
3 categories of sin: Mortal sin, venial sin, and Social sin
Mortal Sin: A conscious decision to turn away from God's love. This breaks our relationship with God
Venial Sin: A sin that doesnotcompletelyseparate us from God such as lying
Social Sin: A sin that offendshumandignity such as racism
3 conditions of sin: knowledge, consent, serious matter
Knowledge: sufficient knowledge or reflection
Consent: full consent or free will
Serious matter: causes real evil to oneself or anotherperson
What sin did the Israelites commit?
The Israelites broke the number one commandment by praising the golden calf.
What were the consequences of the Israelites' sins?
The Israelites were forced to wander through the desert for 40 years until all the adults died except Joshua
How were the Israelites like children?
The Israelites were like children because they were asked to followrules made by their guardian to protectthem
Conscious: to act with knowledge. A reasoned judgement, where a person recognizes the moral quality of something she is about to do
Sin limits our freedom because it is the refusal to do God's will
ten plagues: Nile turns to blood, frogs, gnats, flies, animals start to die, boils, hails, locusts, darkness, and death of the firstborn
ritual: a series of actions performed and words spoken in prescribed order
liberation: the Israelites were liberated from slavery in Egypt on the first Passover
Seder meal: religious service where participants eat, pray, drink wine, sing, dance, and tell the story of the exodusis prescribed by central book called the Haggadah
what is the importance of the Sinai covenant to the Israelites?
The Israelites would become a holy nation if they followed the covenant
What is the relationship between God and Humanity
God of Moses valueshumanlife, self control and justice