maybe a human resource (employee), a financial resource, a product to be sold or obtained, skills, technology
A resource maybe a humanresource (employee), a financialresource, a product to be sold or obtained, skills, technology
Resources must be used to the maximum capacity for the minimum amount of cost
Resources must be used to the maximum capacity for the minimum amount of cost
resources can be human or non human,
Resource planning, in short, is financialplanning
Be sure to include and identify essential and non-essential personnel and equipment.
Now that you have a completed list of the resources needed to complete your project, you want to get them in some sort of order.
Resources Breakdown Structure (RBS)
You can create hierarchies of resources, also known as Resources Breakdown Structure (or RBS)
With your resources listed and organized you can begin to start defining resources that have various levels of responsibility for completing project tasks or for the overall project.
Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)
Here is where you can clarify the roles and responsibilities over the entire project.
Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)
You can break this down into who is responsible for doing what tasks, who owns that task, who can help if there are questions about the task, and who needs to stay informed about the progress of the task.
Responsibility Assignment Matrix
Simple charts with coded letters that define differentfunctionsofaccountability, based on the RACI method
RACI method - R stands for
RACI METHOD - A stands for
RACI METHOD - C stands for
RACI METHOD - I stands for
Simply means when a person is given too much work.
Resource Overallocation
They can’t finish it is scheduled or allocated the time for it to be completed
Resource Overallocation
This can lead to overtime, which impacts the budget, or can block and even derail a project.
Resource Overallocation
It’s a quick and easy way to view the allocation of your resources and note whether any are over or under- allocated.
Resource Histogram
In simple color coding, with red signifying “over-allocated” you can then deal with the overallocated resource quickly, and reallocate as needed to someone whose workload is lighter
refers to a theory that an organization should guard against having all their eggs in one team basket or over-reliance on one team to accomplish core work
Resource Dependency
You want to plan against an unhealthy dependency on one team or one resource to accomplish
Resource Dependency
You can mitigate this by distributing the work across multiple resources, or having backup plans if planned equipment resources should become unavailable.
Resource Dependency
is a juggling act, whereby you manage resource availability across a project or across multiple projects.
Resource Leveling
It can be accomplished by extending the duration you had planned for certain tasks to be accomplished by adjusting the start and end dates, depending on whether you have the resources to complete them now or not
Resource Leveling
This is another way to avoid over-or under allocated team members.
Resource Leveling
The first steps in creating resource management plan
Noteallyourresources including people, equipment and materials
The second steps in creating resource management plan
figure out howmanyofthoseresourcesareneeded to get the project done.
The last steps in creating resource management plan
All the resources necessary to complete the project. That’s everything from people to machines and even any office space you’ll need. TRUE OR FALSE
By noting the duration of time needed for each resource, you 'll have a blurry picture of how it will fit into your overall schedule TRUE OR FALSE
breaking your resource needs out on a daily, weekly and monthly rotation will help you better grasp what you’ll need and when. TRUE OF FALSE
You’ve figured what you need, but how many hours for each of those resources are you going to allocate overtime? WHAT TYPE OF RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN COMPONENTS ARE STATED ABOVE
Quantity of resource hours required per day/week/month.
is what you think might be true - ASSUMPTION OR CONSTRAINTS
are the schedule, cost and scope of your project
List all the components of good resource plan
All the resources necessary to complete the project.
List all the components of good resource plan
All the resources necessary to complete the project. 2. Timeframes for the planned effort of each resource. 3. Number of each resource you’ll need per day/week/month4.Quantity of resource hours required per day/week/month5. Identify assumptions and constraints.
It is the chance or probability, high at one extreme and low at the other, that a person could be harmed or experience an adverse health outcome if something goes wrong,together with an indication of how serious the harm could be.