The 6 beliefs of Islam

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  • There are many schools of Islam. These schools agree on most beliefs and practises within the Islamic faith , although there are differences .
    One of the main schools of Islam is Sunni the six beliefs of Islam are accepted by Sunni Muslims . Shia Muslim's accept many of the ideas of the six beliefs but refer to them differently - some are part of the five roots of "Usul ad-Din".
  • Tawhid is the belief of oneness in Allah - Islam is monotheistic meaning Muslim accept there is only one god (Allah)
  • The six beliefs of Islam are :
    1. Tawhid
    2. Malaikah
    3. Kutub
    4. Nubuwwah
    5. al-Qadr
    6. Akhirah
  • Malaikah is the belief in angels - Muslims accept the existence of angels who are obedient ( listen ) to Allah's commands . It is through them that messages are given to prophets .
  • Authority of kutub is the authority of holy books - The main holy book for Muslims is the Quran but they also recognise Sahifah ( the scrolls of Abraham and Moses ) , the Tawrat ( torah ) , Zabur ( Psalms ) and the Injil ( the gospel ) .
  • Nubuwwah is the following of the prophets' of Allah - Muslims recognise prophets or messengers of Allah . These include : Adam , Ibriham , Isma'il , Dawud , Isa and Muhammed . The nature and importance of prophethood is risalah
  • Ibriham is Abraham
  • Musa is Moses
  • Dawud is David
  • Isa is Jesus
  • Al-Qadr is predestination - Muslims believe that Allah knows everything and although humans have freewill Allah already knows what will happen.
  • Akhirah is life after death - Muslims believe that there is an afterlife after death they accept a day of judgment when every human will be judged by Allah based of their actions on earth .
  • The purpose and importance of the 6 beliefs are :
    • to unite all Sunni Muslims
    • to help Sunni Muslims understand their religion better
    • To support Sunni Muslims in how they should live their lives
  • In every day life the 6 beliefs of Islam are used in multiple different ways including:
    1. Muslims will recite the tawhid - oneness in Allah - in their prayers each day.
    2. They will look in the Quran for advice to help them understand their faith better and follow Allah
    3. They live their lives aware that on the day of judgement Allah will judge them