
Cards (21)

  • StressIt is an emotional tension that arises when
    there is a perceived threat to one’s safety. (Dacey and Kenney 1997)
  • StressIt is a form of demand that urges an individual to do something in order to adapt to the situation, or else, he will experience ANXIETY (Spencer Rathus)
  • Adolescence period is characterized as a stage of meaningful changes and these young people experience more stress during this period and could cause distress.
  • In 1981, Newcomb listed 7 sources of Stress:
    • Future Shock – a term for an illness thatresulted from having to deal with too much changes in too little time.
  • 4. Autonomy - a person's ability to act on his or her own values and interests.
  • SPENCER A. RATHUSIn his book, Psychology, it was found out that irritability or anger is the most common sign of stress.
  • For the Americans, listening to music was
    said to be the a very effective technique in stress management because he believed that ART if a form of self-expression that allows people to express their feelings directly or indirectly to others.
    • Self efficacy refers to our ability to do something while Self- efficacy expectations refers to our perceptionsof our ability to perform.
    • Aristotle believed that man isa social being and a political animal.
    • He believed that if a personwould say that he does not need anybody in order to survive, then he must be either a beast or a God.
  • CAROL RYFFAccording to her, the dimensions of psychological well-being are:
  • Mental health is actually made up of one’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being.
  • Psychological Disorder – an abnormal behavior and a mental process that results to distress or disability.
  • Abnormality according to Susan Nolen-Hoeksema has 4 dimensions:
  • Deviance – when a person is feeling strangeness
  • ANOREXIA NERVOSA – a person suffers from being extremely underweight due to self-starvation.
  • DEPRESSION – the primary description of most people with depression is the experience of andehonia or the lack of interest in everything in life.
  • Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest.
    • A person is said to besuffering from a major depressive disorder if he shows manifestations of at least one major depressive episode.
    When a person experiences persistent and intense feeling of sadness forextended periods of time.