Cards (29)

  • greek word means beyond or on top of
    Meta came from
  • latin word "Cognito" "cognoscere" which means "get to know"
    Cognition came from
  • Thinking about thinking / learning how to learn

    Metacognition means
  • John Flavell
    he coined metacognition and believes that it consists of metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive experience and regulation.
  • 1. Metacognitive Knowledge
    what learners know about learning.
  • 1. Person Variables
    2. Task Variables
    3. Strategy Variables

    Three categories of Metacognitive Knowledge
  • Person Variables
    - knowledge depends on yourself.
    - the learner's knowledge of their own capabilities.
    - how one views himself as a learner and thinker.
    - how they process and learn information as well as individual knowledge.
  • Task Variables
    - knowledge depends on the task.
    - knowledge about the nature of the task and the type of processing demand that it will place.
    - the effort and difficulty of the task and knowing what needs to be accomplished.
  • Strategy Variables
    - knowledge about different strategies appropriate to the task.
  • Meta-attention and meta-memory
    the two terms of Strategy Variables
  • "to pay attention"
    Meta-attention (strategies to focus)
  • "To remember"
    Meta- memory (memory strategies)
  • TQLR and PQ4R
    Metacognitive Strategies to Facilitate Learning
  • Tune-in
    - appropriate for young learners.
    - before listening to a story
  • Preview
    - discussing chapter or unit
    - adult learners
    - what learners do about learning
    - the process itself.
    - Planning
    - Monitoring
    - Evaluation
  • Novice Learners
    - has poor learning strategies results to shallow learning.
    - just started learning.
  • Expert Learners
    - mastered metacognitive regulation.
    - Applies metacognitive strategies and monitor themselves.
  • Margaret Mead
    who stated that, ""Children must be taught how to think, not on what to think."
  • 1. Graphic Organizer
    2. Think Aloud
    3. Journalizing
    4. Error Analysis
    5. Wrapper
    6. Peer Monitoring
    6 Metacognitive Instructions
  • Graphic Organizer
    visual illustration that displays relationship between informations.
    Graphic Organizer example
  • - What do you KNOW?
    - What do you WANT to know?
    - HOW will you find out?
    - What have you LEARNED?
    - What ACTIONS will you take?
    - What further QUESTIONS do you have?

    KWHLAQ stands for?
  • Think Aloud
    in reading, it is creating a record, either through writing or talking aloud. Interpret process through text.
    - EAVESDROPPING on someone's thinking.
  • Journalizing
    writing and can be use together with think aloud.
    - what's in their mind
    - what is their realizations
    - what is their resolution
  • Error analysis
    systematic approach using feedback metacognitively to improve one's future performance (Hopeman, 2000)
  • Wrapper
    engaging metacognition before during and after class
    - giving support before task
  • Peer Monitoring
    studying with peers who are more skilled and informed.