America in depth

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  • 1861-1865
    Civil War
  • 1850 compromise -> handed more power back to slaveholders of the south
    Kansas Nebraska Act 1854 said states could decide if they wanted to be free or slave states -> overrode Missouri compromise
    • 1857, supreme court said slaves had no rights & US Gov. could not ban slavery in territories-> made slaveholders more powerful
    • Republicain party set up in 1854 -> scared southerners
    What are the Main causes of the Civil war?
  • Mississippi, Texas, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana
    In 1861 what states formed the confederacy?
  • Jefferson Davis
    Who did the confederacy elect president
  • 1860
    When was Lincoln elected president?
  • 1860 South Carolina secedes from USA in protest to election
    Feb 1861, 6 states seceded and formed confederacy
    4 March 1861, Lincoln becomes president fully and says the confederacy was illegal
    • 12, April Jefferson ordered gunboats to open fire on Fort Summer in South Carolina
    • April-June 1861, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina & Tennessee join confederacy
    How did Abrahams election ultimately lead to war?
  • Black soldiers were allowed to join the army, however they were not allowed to be officers and had unequal pay

  • black soldiers fought for and won the right for equal pay in the army
  • Race riots (violence against minority groups) because they blaimed Black Americans

    What broke out because of white Americans being forced to join the army and why?
  • Black soldiers tried to join the army but were not allowed
  • - By 62, South Carolina was freed & ex slaves began setting up regiments
    - Missionaries came to teach ex-slaves how to read + write -> sea islands experiment
    - Land in sea island were given to free slaves from the south
    What were positive changes in 1861-62 for black Americans?
  • -Union refused to commit to ending slavery throughout the whole of USA
    - Some escaped slaves were used to do hard labour; digging ditches for union army
    - A lot of opposition to having black regiments

    What are limitations for black Americans between 1861-62
  • - Ex slaves took over jobs; field hands, mechanics & barbers & started earning money
    -1 January 1863, Lincoln issued Emancipation Proclamation
    - Volunteers continued to teach freed slaves how to read & write - over 200,000 by 1865
    - Many slaves in the deep south were given 40 acres of land by General Sherman
    - Hundred of thousands of ex slaves joined the union army to defeat the confederacy
    - Many black women supported the armed forces by working as cooks or nurses
    What are positive changes for black Americans between 1863-65
  • -Some slaves continued to work on cotton plantations, even after they had been freed
    - Black soldiers were often given some of the worst jobs; late night guard duties, cleaning & ditch digging
    - The Emancipation Proclamation would not be a full consultational amendment until all the wall was over

    What are limitations for black Americans between 1863-65?
  • made all free slaves in confederate free

    What is the emancipation proclamation?
  • - persuaded the 13th amendment to become permanent
    - persuaded congress to make the emancipation proclamation
    - set up Freedman's Bureau which gave out land confiscated from plantation owners to ex slaves

    How did president Lincoln try to rebuild the USA even before the end of the war?
  • a charity to help ex slaves

    what is Freedman's Bureau
  • Shot dead April 1865, replaced by Johnson
    When did Lincoln die and who was he replaced by?
  • - pardoned confederate soldiers & plantation owners, returned their land including sea islands.
    - stopped freedman's bureau
    - allowed southern states to bring in black codes
    - did nothing to stop the KKK
    - allowed confederate states to rejoin USA
    What we're President Johnson's actions?
  • laws which removed the rights of black americans

    what were black codes?
  • 1865
    when was the KKK set up?
  • •Feb 1866; Freedman's Bureau re-established
    •March 1866; civil rights bill
    •April 1866 congress proposed 14th amendments
    -March-July 1867; ex confederate, Govs. where shutdown, and taken over by the north, ex union soldiers were banned from voting, military were sent to South to protect black Americans
    • March 1870; 15th amendment
    What were some enormous changes during the radical reconstruction?
  • anyone born in USA should be a US citizen whatever the colour of their skin
    What was the 14th Amendment?
  • July 1868
    when did the 14th amendment become law
  • gave all BA the right to vote

    What did the 15th amendment do?
  • March 1870
    when was the 15th amendment?
  • they got contacted to build railways or factories and many room profits from it?
    How did white business owners get very rich from the reconstruction?
  • Northerners who moved south to make money out of the reconstruction
    What are carpetbaggers?
  • that it was a way for corrupt Northerners to take control of land & money in the south

    What did southerners argue about the reconstruction?
  • •Many black americain a had to work on plantations as share croppers
    1873 supreme court said that voting rights at state level was a choice of the state
    1877, US Gov. withdrew the soldiers stationed in the South after the war

    What changes that were in favour to black Americans got shut down?
  • 1872
    When did the freedman's bureau get shut down?
  • farmers who did not own their own land

    what are share croppers?