
Cards (16)

  • Main Causes of the civil war?
    •1850 compromise-> handed back power to the south
    •1854 Kansas Nebraska Act 1854
    •1857 Supreme Court said slaves had no rights & US Gov. coild not ban slabery in territories
    •1860 Lincols election
  • What was the 1850 Compromise?
    free states had to return escaped slaves to owners
  • What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854?
    said states could decide if they want to be free or slave states
  • Points that show that Lincoln's election ultimately led to war?
    •1860 south carolina secede from USA
    • 6 other states secede and form conferancy
    • Confederancy elect Jeffersom Davis as President -> he ordered gunboats on Fort Summer 12 April
    •April-June 1861 4 more states join confederacy
  • What are the 6 states that formed the confederacy in 1861?
  • What 4 states joined the Confederacy in April-June 1861?
    North Carolina
  • In 1861 Black Americans...
    had limited rights in the North and no rights in the south.
  • Housing
    North: Black Americans lived in poorer area with high rent
    South: plantation housing was small, cramped -> disease spread easily
  • Jobs
    North: Black Americans could get jobs but had unequal pay, black workers could not be in charge of white workers
    South: slaves, no-jobs or earn money
  • Education
    North: segregated schools, black students had access to basic info.
    South: illegal for Black Americans to learn to read/write.
  • What shows that there was casual racism with signs of improvement?
    •race riots broke out in many Northern cities where white Americans were being forced to join the army -> blamed black Americans
    • 1861 black northerners tried to join army but we're not allowed
    • 1863 Black soldiers allowed to join army -> unequal pay
    •1864, black soldiers fought for and won the right for equal pay in the army
  • President Reconstruction
    1865-66, President Johnson
  • What were some of President Johnson's actions?
    • allowed southern states to bring in black codes -> removed rights of black americans
    • did nothing to stop the KKK from being set up in 1865
    • stopped Freedman's bureau
    • pardoned confederate soldiers & plantation owners -> returned their land, including sea islands
  • What happened during the radical reconstruction?
    • Feb 1866, Freedman's Bureau re-established
    • March 1866, Civil Rights Bill
    • April 1866, 14th Amendment proposed
    • July 1868, 14th Amendment became law
    • March 1870, 15th Amendment
  • Not everyone was happy with the reconstruction -> SOUTH!
    • white businesses grew very rich of the reconstruction -> contracts to build railways/factories & took most profits
    • south say it was a way for corrupt Northerners to take control of land & money in the south
    • carpetbaggers
  • After 1870, radical changes for Black Americans were shut down
    • 1872, Freedman's Bureau was shut down
    • Many Black Americans worked in plantations as share croppers
    • 1873, supreme court said voting rights at state level was a choice of the state
    • 1877, US Gov. withdrew soldiers stationed in the south