Cognitivebehaviouraltherapy is often applied to rehabilitatingoffenders in the form of angermanagement
Novaco (1975) claims it is cognitive factors that trigger the emotionalarousal that results in criminal acts of aggression
angermanagementprogrammes are a form of CBT which allows the offender to recognise the cognitivefactors that trigger their anger and respond without violence
3 stages of anger management; cognitivepreparation, skillacquisition, and application
During cognitivepreparation the client reflects on pastexperiences to consider their patterns of anger, their triggers, and irrationalthoughts behind it as aided by a therapist
during skillacquisitioncognitive (positiveselftalk) behavioural (praise) and physiological (deepbreathing) techniques are taught to help deal with situations that may trigger anger
during application the skills learned are practised in a safecontrolledenvironment such as roleplay to learn how to deal with situationsappropriately
Strength; researchsupport from Keen (2000) who found that across 8CBTsessions young offenders gained greaterangermanagement and selfcontrol
Strength; unlike other techniques such as behaviourmodification anger management goes beyond the surfacelevel and aims to address the rootcause of offending
Weakness; Blackburn (1993) finds that angermanagement reduces recidivism only in the shortterm
Weakness; roleplay application techniques do not reflect the realworld
Weakness; Howells (2005) found this only impacts violentoffenders as it was much lesseffective when used on offenders who had a lowerlevel of anger
Weakness; expensive as it requires highlytrainedprofessionals and timeconsuming as it requires many sessions over the course of weeks or months
Cognitive preparation focuses on reframing a situation as non-threatening EG by reducing hostileattributionbias
Psychological techniques in the skillacquisitionphase allow the offender to control their emotions rather than be controlled by them
Often during the application stage the therapist will antagonise the client to create anger inducing situations