Food Tests- Practical

Cards (8)

  • When testing for a range of carbohydrates, we're looking at two different types: starch which is a complex carbohydrate, and reducing sugars which include glucose
  • Testing for starch
    1. Break the food apart to increase surface area
    2. Mix with water and filter if food is dark in colour
    3. Add iodine solution
  • Iodine solution

    Reagent used to test for starch, turns dark blue-black in the presence of starch
  • Testing for reducing sugars
    1. Add Benedict's reagent (copper sulfate, sodium citrate, sodium carbonate)
    2. Heat to around 70 degrees for 5 minutes
  • Benedict's reagent
    Reagent used to test for reducing sugars, turns green, yellow, orange, then red in the presence of reducing sugars
  • Testing for proteins
    Add Biuret reagent (copper sulfate, sodium hydroxide, potassium sodium tartrate)
  • Biuret reagent
    Reagent used to test for proteins, turns purple in the presence of proteins
  • Testing for lipids/fats
    1. Rub food on greaseproof paper (leaves a greasy mark if lipids present)
    2. Shake food with ethanol, then water (forms two layers if lipids present)
    3. Add Sudan red/3 dye (red layer on top if lipids present)