Phobias: explaining + treating (behavioural approach)

    Cards (20)

    • Phobias
      One of the most interesting mental health conditions to talk about
    • The range of objects people can be phobic about is very wide
    • If you don't have a phobia of something, it can be very difficult to imagine how that phobia could have developed in someone else
    • Behaviorist approach
      Explaining and treating phobias
    • Classical conditioning
      A type of learning where a neutral stimulus becomes associated with an unconditioned stimulus, leading to a conditioned response
    • Operant conditioning
      A type of learning where behavior is modified by its consequences
    • Two-process model

      Suggests phobias are initially acquired through classical conditioning, and then maintained through operant conditioning
    • Acquisition of phobias through classical conditioning
      1. Neutral stimulus paired with unconditioned stimulus
      2. Neutral stimulus becomes conditioned stimulus
      3. Conditioned response of fear
    • Maintenance of phobias through operant conditioning
      1. Phobic person avoids phobic object
      2. Anxiety is reduced, reinforcing the avoidance behavior
    • Scenario of Laura and her phobia of bees
      • Acquired through being stung
      • Maintained through avoidance of bees
    • The behaviorist approach is not a full explanation for all phobias
    • Evolutionary explanations may be more valid for some common phobias like fear of snakes and spiders
    • Reciprocal inhibition
      Fear and relaxation are antagonistic emotions, you can't feel both at the same time
    • Systematic desensitization
      1. Client learns relaxation techniques
      2. Exposed to anxiety hierarchy from least to most feared
      3. Relaxation techniques used at each stage
    • Flooding
      1. Immediate and full exposure to maximum phobic stimulus
      2. Client expected to experience extreme panic response
      3. Client not allowed to escape until panic subsides
    • Systematic desensitization is often the client's preferred treatment as they have more control
    • Flooding may be quicker but is less suitable for some clients
    • Phobia treatment in a controlled environment may not generalize to the real world
    • Drugs
      An alternative treatment for phobias, can lower anxiety but are temporary and have side effects
    • Virtual reality exposure therapy
      Adapts the principles of systematic desensitization using virtual reality technology
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