Aims and hypotheses

    Cards (8)

    • Hypotheses are not predictions, they are statements of fact
    • Null hypothesis (H0)
      There is no difference between the conditions or no relationship between the variables
    • Alternate hypothesis (H1)

      There is a difference between the conditions, also known as the research hypothesis
    • Directional hypothesis
      States that there is a difference and how the results will go (e.g. increase, decrease)
    • Non-directional hypothesis

      States that there is a difference but not which way the direction will go
    • In psychology, the alternate hypothesis is accepted when the probability that the results are a fluke is 1 in 20 or less (p ≤ 0.05)
    • Accepting an alternate hypothesis is not proving a theory, it is saying the evidence is strong enough to accept it for now
    • The word "prove" should not be used in science, as theories must be open to falsification
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