Conflicts and Trade-offs between Objectives & Policies

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  • What are the 7 macro objectives?
    • Economic growth
    • Low & stable inflation
    • Environmental protection
    • Low unemployment
    • Income equality
    • BOP on the current account
    • Balanced fiscal budget
  • What is a conflict between low unemployment & low and stable inflation?
    Low unemployment means more people have higher disposable incomes leading to demand-pull inflation.
  • What is a conflict between economic growth & balanced fiscal budget?
    Economic growth may require much higher government expenditure, possibly causing an unbalanced fiscal budget.
  • What is a conflict between economic growth & low and stable inflation?
    Inflation comes with economic growth - increased consumption = increased AD = inflation
    Higher animal spirits
  • What is a conflict between economic growth & environmental protection?
    More industries mean increased emissions of pollution.
  • What is a conflict of economic growth & income equality?
    As the economy grows, it can broaden the income gap depending on where the growth happens.
  • What is a conflict between economic growth & balance of payments on the current account?
    As we become richer, we import more.
  • What is a conflict between low unemployment & environmental protection?
    By having more workers driving to work, it adds to pollution.
  • What is a conflict between income equality & balance of payments the current account?
    Poeple with higher income will import more (mpm).
  • What is a conflict between income equality & low and stable inflation?
    Income equality could lead to low and stable inflation.
  • What is meant by a policy conflict?
    A policy conflict occurs when two policy objectives cannot be achieved at the same time, policy makers will focus on achieving the policy with the best performance/outcome.
  • What is meant by a trade off between policy objectives?
    Although it may be impossible to achieve two desirable objetives at the same time, policy-makers may be able to choose an acceptable combination lying between the extremes.
  • What does the Philip‘s Curve show?
    The Philip‘s Curve shows a trade-off between inflation and unemployment. A demand-side policy to reduce unemployment could conflict with price stability.
  • What does the Philips Curve suggest?
    As unemployment falls, inflation rises.
    As unemployment rises, inflation falls.
  • What does rising demand and falling unemployment lead to?
    Can lead to suppliers raising their prices to increase their profit margins.