Cards (11)

  • PRECIPITATION - any water that falls to the surface of the earth from the atmosphere including rain snow and hail. Theres 3 types - convectionl, relief and frontal
  • EVAPOTRANSPIRATION - made up of evaporation and tra
  • EVAPOTRANSPIRATION - Made up of evaporation and transpiration, occurs when water is heated by the sun causing it to rise by turning into a gas, transpiration occurs in plants when they respire through their leaves
  • STREAMFLOW - All water that enters the drainage basin will leave trough the atmosphere or through streams which drain the basin, these can flow as tribuataries into the river or directly into a lake.
  • INFILTRATION - Water moving from above the ground into the soil, infiltration capacity refers to how quickly infiltration occurs.
  • PERCOLATION - water moves from the ground or soil into porous rock or rock fractures, the permeability rate is dependant on the permeability of a rock and the amount of rock fractures in a rock.
  • TROUGHFLOW - water moving from the soil into streams or rivers and that is dependant on the type of soil, clay soils with high field capacity and smaller pore spaces have a slower flow rate. Sandy soils drain quickly due to lower field capacity.
  • SURFACE RUN OFF - water flowing above the ground as sheetflow (lots of water flowing over a large area)or in rills (small channels similar to streams)
  • GROUNDWATER FLOW - Water moves through rocks, ensures that there is enough water in rivers eveb after a long period of dry weather
  • STREAMFLOW - Water moving through established channels
  • STEMFLOW - Flow of water that has been intercepted by plants or trees down at the stem or leaf or other parts of the plant