polices to reduce unemployment

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Cards (9)

  • The Reich Labour Service  This was a scheme to provide young men with manual  labour jobs. From 1935 it was compulsory for all men aged  18-25 to serve in the corps for six months. Workers lived  in camps, wore uniforms, received very low pay and carried  out military drill as well as working
  • Job creation schemes  Hitler at first spent billions on job creation schemes, rising  from 18.4 billion marks in 1933 to 37.1 billion five years  later. The Nazis subsidised private firms, especially in the  construction industry. They also introduced a massıve  road-building programme to provide Germany with 7,000  kilometres of autobahns (motorways) (see Source C)  However, only just over 3,000 kilometres had been built  by 1938. More than 125,000 men were involved in their  construction and Hitler hoped the autobahns would enable  his troops to move rapidly in the event of war. 
  • Rearmament Hitler was determined to build up the armed forces in  readiness for war. This greatly reduced unemployment.  The re-introduction of conscription in 1935 took  thousands of young men into military service. The army  grew from 100,000 in 1933 to 1,400,000 by 1939.  Heavy industry expanded to meet the needs of  rearmament. Coal and chemicals doubled in the years  1933 to 1939; oil, iron and steel trebled.  Billions were spent producing tanks, aircraft and ships  In 1933, 3.5 billion marks was spent on rearmament.  This had increased to 26 billion marks by 1939.