Subdecks (1)

Cards (18)

  • •Distribution is the process of getting the right product or service to the consumer in the right place.
  • •The distribution channel is the route that products take from manufacturer to final customer
  • 4 stage distribution channel manufacturer- wholesaler- retailer - consumer
  • •In a 4 stage distribution channel a manufacturer or producer will sell in bulk to the wholesalers
  • •Retailers then buy their stock from the wholesalers to put in their shops
  • •Customers then visit the retailer’s shops to make a purchase
  • •Wholesalers “break bulk” orders into smaller quantities that independent retailers (Like small local food shops) will buy
  • benefit of a wholesaler is they can offer trade credit terms to the small retailer
  • 3 stage distribution Manufacturer- Retailer - consumer
  • •In a three stage distribution channel a manufacturer will sell their products direct to the retailer•The consumer will then buy from the retailer
  • 2 stage distribution- manufacturer- consumer
  • •In a two stage distribution channel products are bought by the consumer direct from the manufacturer
  • •Direct selling means that products are sold directly from the manufacturer to the consumer