Changes in distribution to reflect social trends

Cards (5)

  • Online distribution-
    The main benefit of the Internet is that niche products can reach a wider audience
    •Can cater to a far greater geographically dispersed market than traditional local shops
    •Many transactions happen solely online such as purchasing tickets and software upgrades
  • Changing from product to service- This is the concept that you do not have to own something to be able to use it
  • •The choice of channel of distribution and the method of getting the products to the consumer will depend on:
    The nature of the product
    The market
    The nature of the business
    The size of the business
  • indirect selling- 3 stage is the common distribution channel for items such as clothes and retailers are usually in places that are convenient for the consumer for example a shop on high street
  • indirect selling- four stage channel - traditional dsitrubution channel and is used for mainly groceries