Renaissance Medicine

Cards (26)

  • What was set up in 1518
    College of Physicians
  • In what year was the first British printing press set up
  • Why was the printing press significant
    Church no longer had control over what was published
    New ideas could be spread or debated more easily
    Existing ideas could be questioned
  • What was the Royal Society and when was it established
    A prestigious scientific body founded in 1660 that was supported by King Charles II. It was important in spreading new ideas and getting people to trust new technology
  • What did exploration abroad lead to
    New drug ingredients like guaiacum (believed to cure syphilis) and quinine from the bark of a cinchona tree
  • What did the dissolution of monasteries lead to
    Free hospitals opened run by trained physicians and focused on curing illness
  • What was a drawback of the printing press
    Many people couldn't read these books
  • Who was Vesalius and what did he do
    Church allowed him to dissect dead criminals and so he proved many of Galens Anatomy theories wrong (for example the jawbone ) this encouraged others to question Galen
  • What did Versalius publish in 1543
    Fabric of the Human Body
  • When was Vesalius born
  • When was Six Anatomical Pictures published 

  • Who was Thomas Sydenham
    Renaissance Physician who used detailed observations and accurate records of symptoms. He suggested that each disease was different and had its own symptoms
  • What is Sydenham famous for showing
    That scarlet fever and measles were different
  • What book did Sydenham Publish in 1676
    Medical Observations
  • When was William Harvey born
  • Who was William Harvey Royal Physician of
    James I and Charles I
  • What did William Harvey discover
    That blood circulated around the body
  • What book did Harvey Publish in 1628
    On the motion of the heart and blood
  • How much of an impact did Harveys discoveries have on medicine
    Limited impact on diagnosis and treatment and not everyone believed in his theories and so purging still carried on despite Harvey proving it wrong
  • When did the great plague hit London
  • What was the London death toll of the Great Plague
    100,000 ( 20% of the population )
  • Who was most affected by the Great Plague
    Doctors and priests as people went to them for aid
  • How did people attempt to prevent the plague
    Prayer , Quarantine ( victims had a Red Cross on there door) , public places closed , mass graves away from houses
  • How did people try to treat the Plague
    Remedies such as plague water , bloodletting and transference which included strapping a live chicken to the swellings
  • Why did council pay for many cats and dogs to be killed during the plague
    Because they believed that they carried the plague
  • What things continued from the medieval period
    Similar Treatments like purging and blood letting
    Apothecaries and barber surgeons
    Many used quack doctors as doctors too expensive
    Hospitals still basic