The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim a year of acceptance to the Lord.
Jesus came to...
bring people to fullness of life which means restoring them to the wholeness of their being.
Are the synthesis of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. They do not only introduced Jesus' discourse but also summarize it.
Are the synthesis of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. They do not only introduced Jesus' discourse but also summarize it.
The Beatitudes
Are also set of values that we must cherish; they are, likewise, atttitudes that we must cultivate as Christians
The Beatitudes
One Beatitude from Matthew's version
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
One Beatitude from Luke's version
Blessed are you who are now weeping, for you will laugh
Participation in or living the Beatitudes of Jesus does not mean that one is...
"already saved"
following the beatitudes we will feel
"blest", fortunate, happy, and joyful because the Beatitudes are known as Jesus' way to true happiness and towards finding true meaning of life.
Jesus proclaimed the coming of a new kingdom of God in both...
His words and actions
God's Kingdom requires...
God's Kingdom is the rule of reign of God's love in

every hearts and lives of people
God's Kingdom is not a new philosophy but...
a new plan of social reform
God's Kingdom was personally proclaimed and established by
Jesus Himself
God's Kingdom is a new age of..
peace, joy, freedom, justice and love
Jesus claimed that...
he have a special role in the establishment and manifestation of God's Kingdom
a greek word which means comparison
are stories that are constructed from literary device called simile.
why did Jesus' use parables?
to get hiss message across without antagonizing His audience
what are 4 themes of parables?
The Kingdom of God, Man's Response to the Kingdom of God, The Future Coming of The Kingdom of God, and Relationship with Neighbors
These parables deal primarily with the nature of God - his qualities, his attitudes in dealing with people, and so on.
The King of The Kingdom
these parables emphasizes what our responses should be if we hope to "Enter The Kingdom"
Man's Response to The Kingdom of God
List one Parable about The King of The Kingdom...
The Parable of The Lost Sheep (Lk. 15:4-7)
List one Parable about Man's Response to the Kingdom of God...
The Parable of The Talents (Mt. 25:14-30)
List one Parable about The Future of the Coming of The Kingdom of God...
The Parable of The Ten Bridesmaids (Mt. 25:1-13)
List one Parable about Relationship with Neighbors...