An event caused by a special divine power that does not follow the normal laws of nature but that which carries a religious message for people now and later
Dynamis (an act of power)
Ergon (a work)
Semeion (a sign of some deeper reality)
Reasons why Jesus performed miracles
For imitation (actions speak louder than words)
As signs of the Father's compassion
As signs of the Kingdom
As summons to faith
Categories of Jesus' miracles
Power over death
Naturemiracles: power over nature
Healingmiracles: curingofdiseases
Exorcism; chasing/casting outofevil spirits
Call and formation of the disciples
Part of God's plan of salvation, story of Jesus in the company of the disciples is one of the most touching and revealing features of the Gospel
Relationship between Jesus and his disciples
Jesus chose and called his disciples
Jesus called his disciples to a personal and lasting relationship with Him
Jesus called his disciples to share in his mission including its hardship and suffering
Jesus does not call the qualified, but He qualifies those who were called
The 12 Apostles would be the foundation of the new community of faith, a "new Israel," what we recognize today as the Church
The story of Jesus in the company of the disciples is one of the most touching and revealing features of the Gospel.
The Call and Formation of the Disciples
known as Cephas, “the rock” and the leader of the 12 apostles
the Younger/less, son of Alpheus.
the Elder/ Great, son of Zebedee and the brother of John the Evangelist.
The Zealot..
son of James in the Gospel of Luke.
the one who brought and introduced Nathaniel to Jesus.
the Beloved Apostle, the brother of James the Elder.
the tax collector.
also known as Nathaniel.
the brother of Peter.
known as the Doubter because he doubted Jesus’ resurrection.