
Cards (4)

  • approximately 82% of the total population, estimated at around 155 million.
    • Emancipated from serfdom in 1861, can only buy land after 49 years kept them effectively under landlords' control.
    • Redemption payments mostly unaffordable, leading many peasants into debt and feeling betrayed.
    • Population growth led to land shortage in communes; about one-third of peasants rented land from private landlords by 1900.
    • Migration of landless peasants to towns and cities; by 1897, 38.8% of urban population were "out of towners", contributing to urban instability.
    • Victims of periodic harvest failures and epidemics; around 400,000 deaths in 1891 epidemic.
    • Widespread disease, including regular epidemics of typhus and diphtheria.
  • eval why threat
    • huge numbers, migrattion bring ideas back to countryside about radicalisation ie class conciousness