
Subdecks (1)

Cards (9)

  • Peasant Frustration
    • Frustrated by land pressure due to population growth and terms of emancipation
    • Had less land than under serfdom, had to buy freedom over 49 years in redemption dues
    • Renting and buying land became expensive, recurrent harvest failures led to bitterness
  • Major disturbances in 1902
  • Official Expectations
    Tsarist officials hoped peasants would remain docile during 1905 unrest, believing in their loyalty to their 'little father'
  • Reality
    • Peasant unrest during 1905 intense, with over 3000 disturbances and 15% of gentry's manors destroyed
    • Peasants of all socioeconomic levels participated, unrest took various forms regionally
  • Authorities' Response
    1. Responded with ruthless force, deploying army 2,700 times between Jan and Oct 1905
    2. In Chernigov Province, peasants forced to kneel in snow for hours, then whipped