Fields of Genetics

Cards (17)

  • It focuses on the inheritance of traits from parents to offspring.
    Mendelian Genetics
  • It laid the foundation for understanding genetic patterns and inheritance. This branch explores the TRANSMISSION of ALLELES and IMPACT on traits.
    Mendelian Genetics
  • It is focused on the STUDY of CHROMOSOMES and their inheritance, especially as applied to MEDICAL GENETICS.

  • It blends the skills of cytologists, who study the STRUCTURES and ACTIVITIES of cells, with those of geneticists, who study GENES.
  • It examines the genetic composition and changes within populations over time. It also PROVIDES INSIGHTS into EVOLUTIONARY PROCESSES and the DISTRIBUTION of alleles in a population.

    Population Genetics
  • This is the study of the MOLECULAR STRUCTURE of DNA, its cellular activities (including its replication), and its influence in determining the overall makeup of an organism.

    Molecular Genetics
  • It analyzes the structure, function, and EVOLUTION of GENOMES.

  • This branch also delves into SEQUENCING and ANNOTATION of genetic material, offering valuable insights into disease mechanisms and evolutionary history.

  • It explores the HERITABLE CHANGES in GENE EXPRESSION that occur WITHOUT ALTERING the DNA sequence. This sheds light on the influence of ENVIRONMENT and LIFESTYLE on GENE REGULATION and PHENOTYPIC outcomes.
  • It focuses on the DIAGNOSIS, MANAGEMENT, and TREATMENT of genetic disorders. It also ENCOMPASSES counseling for individuals and families impacted.
    Medical Genetics
  • The study of INHERITANCE of characteristics in HUMAN BEINGS.

    Human Genetics
  • It investigates the GENETIC basis of CANCER DEVELOPMENT and PROGRESSION.
    Cancer Genetics
  • It explores the role of MUTATIONS and genomic instability in the ONSET of various cancer types, paving the way for targeted therapies.

    Cancer Genetics
  • It focuses on the genetic underpinnings of neurological disorders and traits. It also aims to UNRAVEL the interplay between complex genes and the nervous system, shedding light on conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
  • This field investigates the genetic basis of traits and breeding in animal populations.
    Animal Genetics
  • It encompasses selective breeding, genomic selection, and genetic diversity conservation, shaping animal agriculture and conservation efforts.
    Animal Genetics
  • It is the study of the MECHANISMS of HERITABLE information in microorganisms, including BACTERIA, ARCHAEA, VIRUSES and some PROTOZOA and FUNGI.

    Microbial Genetics