how would a pyramid of developed country look like?
-fertility rates are low because people want possesions and a high quality of life and may have dependent family relatives, so there is less money available for havig children
-healthcare is good, death rate is low and life expectancy is high
meaning lots of people and proportion of children decreases
how does topography (shape of land) effect global inequality?
if the land in a country is steep, then it won't produce food. Steepland can make it difficult to develop infrastructure (e.g roads). This can limit trade and make it hard to provide basc services
educated people produces more skilled workforce, meaning that the country can produce more goods and offer more services (eg ICT). This can bring money into the country through trade or investment
-educated people -> earn more so pay more taxes, providing more money that country can spend on devlopment
countries that were colonised (ruled by foreign countries) are often lower level of development when they gain independence than they would if they had not been colonised
-European countries colonised Africa. They controlled the econmies of their colonies, removed all raw material and slaves, and sold back as expensive manufactured goods, which led to parts of Africa being dependent on Europe and led to famine and malnutrition
inequality can increase political instability, crime and discontent in poorer countriesmeaning civil wars and more likely in developing countries.Conflictcan increase inequality-poverty increasesas money is spent on fighting rather than developmentdeveloping countries are often dependent on richer countries. This means they haveless influence over regional and global decisions
leads to more consumption of water and energy as people get wealthierputting pressure on scarce resources and can threaten ecosystems eg) as more land is built on
leads to increased air, water and land pollution.The release of greenhouse gases enhances the greenhouse effect, contributing to climate changeWaste is dumped in landfill sites and untreated sewage, chemical waste and runoff from farmland ends up in river and lakes
it suggests how a country's economy changes from relying mostly on primary industry (agriculture) through secondary industry (manufacturiung goods) to teritary quaternary industry (e.g services and research )
stage oneof rostow modernisation theory?traditional societysubsistence based (meaning main focus is on meeting the basic needs for survival )farming, fishing and forestry. Little trade
stage twoof rostow modernisation theory?pre-conditions for take offmanufacturing starts to devlop.infrastructure is built e.g)roads, power, network. International tradung begins
stage fiveof rostow modernisation theory ?mass consumptionlots os tradegoods are mass producedpeople are wealthy so there are high level of consumption
peripheral countries will stay poor and weak because of their dependence on core countries due to neo-colonialism-argues that the exploitation that started during the colonial period has continued -neo colonialism--The richer, former colonial countries countinue to dominate the trading system even though the colonised countries have gained independence-the richer countries continue to take advantage of the cheap raw materials and labour available in poorer countries.
example of how a poorer countries can be trapped in poverty
poorer countries have been encouraged to plant crops for export and produce primary products to sell cheaply to richer countries -they import manufactured goods at a higher cost from richer countries to provide for their own population. Trapping them, in poverty and making them dependent on the economy of core countries
It happens because of themovement of money and people between countries,as well as businesses locating their operations and selling their products in more countries.
>>*Improvements in ICT*-->quicker & easier for businesses around the world to communicate>>*improvements in transport*-->more airports, HS trains and larger ships-->quicker & easier to communicate +for companies to get supplies and distribute their products around the world
TNCs are companies thatproduce products, sells products or are located in more than one countryeg) sony - manufactures electronic products in China and Japan and sells many of them in Europe and USA
-linking together countriesthrough production and sale of goods-brings culturefrom their country of origin to many different countrieseg)mcdonald's brings western style fast food to other countries-TNCs also promote a culture of consumerism-people in devloping and emerging countries see all the products that are in developed countrieseg) mobile phones and TVs and want to have them too- making people's lifestyles more similar
1.Promoting free trade,which makes it easier to move goods, money and services between different countries (by reducing tarrifs)2.Competing to attract investment from TNCs,will bring jobs, increase income from taxes and promote economic growth in their countries3.Handing over services and industries to private companieseg) in the UK some rail services are now run by companies from Italy, Germany and France.
why might some people think globalisation increase global inequality
free trade benefit richer countries- TNCs profits normally return to their headquaters, which are often in developed countries and poor countries can struggle to competericher countries benefit from freer movement of labour-skilled workers are attracted by higher wages in richer countries leading to brain drain in poorer countries