Take regular stock of their response to the basic needs of society and thus ensure that these needs are taken into account in all policy-making decisions
Ensure that the way they deploy their resources benefits society in general and does not conflict with the needs and reasonable aspirations of the communities in the area where they operate
Pay proper regard to the environmental and social consequences of their business activity, with special attention to the duty of renewing resources where possible and minimizing waste and pollution, and not sacrifice safety or efficiency in the interest of short-term profitability
Make contributions as their resources will allow, to research, development and application of indigenous technology, and to the financing of social development projects
Consider the human and social costs of mechanization and technology
Establish a policy allowing employees, within reasonable limits, to contribute to the public and community services during the work time
Establish a policy regarding conflicts of interest based on the principle that decisions should be made in the best interest of the business enterprise, and decision makers should be on their guard against allowing personal consideration to distort their judgment
Not tolerate any form of illegal data-gathering or any form of inducement that tends to distort normal commercial judgment