week 10

Cards (62)

  • AGLIPAY CHURCH • The Independent Philippine Church (IPC) or Aglipayan Church is a popular schismatic Catholic church founded in 1902 by the priest Gregorio Aglipay and Sr. Isabelo de los Reyes
  • • The schism was a function of the native Filipino clergy’s resentment of Spanish Catholic orders during the late Spanish colonial period, and received early support from some Filipino nationalists as well as American Protestants.
  • • Aglipay himself clearly underscored that the schism’s roots were in the treatment of the native clergy by the Vatican.
  • 10 Things About INC
    • We are not a denomination
    • We believe that Jesus Christ is a man and thus, not God. In other words, we don't believe in the Trinity
    • We follow the Bible and only the Bible
    • We're not a cult
    • We don't practice infant baptism
    • We don't celebrate Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Valentine's Day, or any holiday based on pagan beliefs
    • We are not a Filipino church
    • We believe the reestablishment of the Church is Bible-based and supported by biblical prophecy
    • We don't practice tithing
    • We believe that to be saved, you need to enter Christ and be part of His body or Church
  • • The IPC maintains ecumenical partnerships with the Anglican Communion, the Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Churches, the Church of Sweden, and others. Notable members of the Aglipayan church include Ferdinand Marcos who later converted to Roman Catholicism
  • The UCCP is a prominent Christian denomination in the Philippines, resulting from the merger of several Protestant churches. 2. It is a mainline Protestant group with approximately 1,500,000 members and 2,564 congregations
  • The UCCP adheres to Trinitarian theology, emphasizing the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.
  • 1.Islam in the Philippines, the second-largest religion in the country, is influenced by both indigenous culture and Islamic teachings
  • 2. The core belief of Islam in the Philippines centers on the oneness of God or monotheism, emphasizing the worship of a single, all-powerful deity.
  • Religious experience is an encounter with the divine
  • s experience is an encounter with the divine. The person who has a religious experience is called the 'experient' (rather than the 'experiencer').
  • Religious experiences often involve a sense of ecstasy -this comes from the Greek ex stasis (meaning "out of stillness" or perhaps "outside yourself"). This is a sensation of being removed from ordinary life
  • Ecstatic states of mind can be encouraged by prayer and meditation, fasting and exercise, but also by dancing or intoxicating drugs.
  • Siddhartha Gautama
    A North Indian prince who lived around the sixth or fifth century BCE
  • Great Renunciation
    Leaving behind his palace and family in a quest to understand life, suffering, and death
  • Achieving Enlightenment
    Meditating under a tree, later known as the Bodhi Tree, until he achieved profound insight into the true nature of reality
  • Four Noble Truths
    The teachings Siddhartha Gautama began after reaching Enlightenment
  • Noble Eightfold Path
    The teachings Siddhartha Gautama began after reaching Enlightenment
  • Buddha
    The Awakened One, the title given to Siddhartha Gautama
  • Siddhartha Gautama dedicated approximately forty years to teaching
  • Buddhist schools
    • Mahayana
    • Theravada
    • Vajrayana
  • Buddhists across various schools follow Siddhartha Gautama's teachings
  • Catholicism is the dominant religion in the Philippines, with a history dating back to Spanish colonization in the 16th century. The majority of Filipinos, over 80% of the population, identify as Catholics
  • Beliefs include the belief in the Holy Trinity— Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—as well as the Virgin Mary, saints, and angels Catholics in the Philippines attend Mass regularly, typically on Sundays, and participate in sacraments such as baptism, confirmation, and confession.
  • Moses, believed to have lived in the twelfth century BCE, had a profound encounter with the divine. He was reputed to have seen God face to face and communicated directly with God on Mount Horeb. This experience transformed Moses into a radiant figure, reflecting the majesty of God so brilliantly that it was challenging for his peers to look at him M
  • Muhammad, at the age of approximately forty, began experiencing powerful visions that initially left him fearing for his sanity

    Around 610 CE
  • Qur'an
    Means 'recite'
  • Muhammad received divine instructions
    From the Angel Gabriel to recite
  • Muhammad subsequently received and conveyed the Qur'an, which was eventually transcribed
  • Muhammad's teaching ministry began, spanning twelve years, before he moved to Medina
    In Mecca
  • Islam
    Translates to 'submission' to the will of Allah (God)
  • Muhammad returned to Mecca, conquered the city, and established it as the primary site of pilgrimage for Muslims

    Several years later
  • Friedrich Schleiermacher - Emphasized the importance of feeling and personal response to the divine, challenging a purely dogmatic approach
  • Rudolf Otto - Explored the common element of the numinous in various religions, describing it as a 'mysterium tremendum et fascinans
  • William James and Rudolf Otto are prominent scholars in this field, and their examinations of various categories of religious experiences are the focus of our study.
  • Conscious and voluntary experience (Volitional type
  • Involuntary and unconscious experience (Selfsurrender Type)
  • adoration - praising God for his greatness and admitting dependence on him confession - owning up to sin and asking for God's mercy and forgiveness
  • thanksgiving - thanking God for his many blessings, eg health or children
  • petition - asking God for something, eg healing, courage or wisdom